Re: Samsung S5 software update

I to have worked in IT and have seen the disastrous effect  of a code writers "good idea". There is not a reason in the world that an update needs to change icons, settings and in general undo what the owner has set..This happened the last update to me.  You have no idea of how my phone is used and are speaking completely out of hand.  If the update is so benign then why is the up date just shoved at the public with out,  an hey dude this is what we are doing and why. That is because they THINK they know better than the user. Which might be true in a lot of cases. NOT MINE I have drawn a line in the sand and I am not crossing it. I have a computer that I use every day that MS has stopped supporting. I have not had a problem that I could not trace and fix in the last 5 years.  I am not going to lie down and take unwanted and for all I know unneeded updates for features I do not even use. I see no reason to follow the sheep to the edge of the cliff.  Early in my career I screwed up and learned DOS, I use the command prompt almost every day. I do not have the inclination to learn the innards of a cell phone. because that what it is to me a phone. I do not use 10% of the power of the S5. I like the big screen because of my bifocals.

I did not experience an internet outage. First I have heard of it.