Re: HTC Thunderbolt continuously drops all data.

I can understand your frustration, but I don't share the experience. There's two reasons why I've stuck with VZW since riding on the PrimeCo merger: a) The overarching *competence* of the staff, especially the customer-facing ones on the support phones, to the point where I've kind of expected that talking to them pretty much always gets a problem sorted on the first call, and b) the fact that useable signal exists very, very many places where other carriers just ... don't have it. Rural wilderness ten miles from the nearest Interstate there's data and voice. There's signal in parking garages. There's signal in subways. That's why the spotty LTE connectivity is so puzzling; there's still bars, and apparently voice is okay. If new roll-out is indeed the cause, because there's data gnomes running down aisles between racks of routers rebooting them to load fresh routing tables, then I can rest comfortably knowing that in a couple more weeks, the roll-out will be done and service will return to its usual comfortable solidity, at least until next spring and the next big push out.