9530 battery drains rapidly

Regarding a Storm 9530. In the last few couple of days my battery started draining very fast. I figured ok, it's a year old, I'll get a new one. Went to the Verizon place and they agreed-probably a bad battery so I got a new one. On the way home I remembered that I had just upgraded VZ Naviigator to 5.0 or whatever the latest version is so I then thought about the GPS and sure enough I had that still turned on. I shut down the GPS and later in the evening I hear a beep. The new battery had gone dead in about an hour after charging it to full power. So, I figure it's Sunday evening and the store's closed so I got it to take a charge and hold long enough to do a back-up and wipe but now it won't even take a charge and hold it long enough to do a restore. Any advice other than going back to the Verizon store?

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